When we speak of the “Multiverse” we are constructing an image by which our minds can Grok the concept of many universes. But in reality there is only ONE universe.
When we speak of souls, or spirits, or the Atman we have constructed an image by which our minds can Grok the concept of multiple souls. But in
reality there is only ONE soul, ONE spirit – the Atman.
When we speak of the gods; the deities; the pantheon; we have constructed an image by which our minds can Grok a being which manifests many aspects; many roles; many functions in life. But in reality there is only ONE G-d, who manifests all aspects; all roles and all functions.
ONE Universe. ONE soul, spirit – the Atman. ONE G-d.
The ONE Universe is the ONE Spirit is the ONE G-d is the ONE.
The ONE is Brahma, is Be’al, is Hashem.
~~ Stephan Gabriel