Some say nature is G-d ….

Some say that if nature is G-d, it means there is no G-d. But if nature is G-d, then by definition there is a G-d.

Some say that nature is G-d, so there is no creative G-d. But nature is definitely creative. So if nature is G-d,
there is a creative G-d.

Some say that nature is G-d, so there is no personal
G-d. But nature is personal, humans and other animals (at least) are personal. So there is a personal G-d.

Some say that nature is G-d, so there is no loving G-d. But nature is loving, humans and other animals (at least) love each other. So there is a loving G-d.

Without stepping outside of nature, I am experiencing a dynamic living creative personal loving G-d.

Therefore you and I and everyone else and everything else is G-d.

— Stephan