When we speak of the “Multiverse” we are constructing an image by which our minds can Grok the concept of many universes. But in reality there is only ONE universe.
When we speak of souls, or spirits, or the Atman we have constructed an image by which our minds can Grok the concept of multiple souls. But in
reality there is only ONE soul, ONE spirit – the Atman.
When we speak of the gods; the deities; the pantheon; we have constructed an image by which our minds can Grok a being which manifests many aspects; many roles; many functions in life. But in reality there is only ONE G-d, who manifests all aspects; all roles and all functions.
ONE Universe. ONE soul, spirit – the Atman. ONE G-d.
The ONE Universe is the ONE Spirit is the ONE G-d is the ONE.
The ONE is Brahma, is Be’al, is Hashem.
~~ Stephan Gabriel
The moment I have realized G-d sitting in the Temple of every human body, the moment I stand in reverence before every human being and see G-d in him
that moment I am free from bondage, everything that binds vanishes, and I am free.
~~ Stephan Gabriel
There is not a single sentient being on any planet anywhere in the multiverse that is not a vessel of the Holy Spirit.
As soon as an infant breathes for the first time, the Holy Spirit (aka, the Soul, aka, the Atman, aka the Self, aka G-d) enters, inhabits and occupies, that infants body and does not leave until that body dis corporates.
To say that any being outside of the womb needs to receive the Holy Spirit is a damnable lie, and denies the all pervasiveness of G-d.
Alas, many people have been deceived by religion into thinking they are separate from G-d, which is impossible.
~~ Stephan
I was video chating with my brother, Rabbi Eliyahu Gabriel, (he serves a synagogue in Tel Aviv) and we were (as usual) discussing the whole concept of non-duality. I guess I was speaking to him like he was my student instead of my brother.
He finally interrupted me and says, “We Jews have always believed this very thing. Even the idea that nothing exists except G-d. These concepts that you have been teaching all these years are not new to me at all, and I would have to add that you probably subconsciously absorbed them from Hebrew school.”
I was dumbfounded.
I’ve never been more than culturally Jewish, so I mostly didn’t pay attention a whole lot as I was growing up.
Eliyahu went on, “You’ve undoubtedly heard of Spinoza? He was right. The elders of his shul were wrong – not really wrong, but they gravely misunderstood him. The fact is that several schools of Judaism have taught what you call “the Oneness of the All” since even the days of the Holy Temple. The concept is one of the roots of Kabbalah. It’s even expounded upon in the Zohar, in the Mishnah and the Talmud. In fact, the Shema (I assume you recite it every day, as do I?) expresses it. ‘the Lord is ONE.’ I know we don’t express the concept quite the way you do, or the way your Guru’s taught you, but it’s the same thing. The same idea.”
I had to think about this for awhile. And in thinking I stated to meditate. And in meditating I came to a Groking: My brother was right, it’s the same teaching. There are no real differences, and religion is just a name. A label. The truth is deeper than anything that humans can usually grok. But the thread of the truth, whether you call it “panentheism,” “Advaita Vedanta,” “non dualism,” or, as I like to express it, “the Oneness of the All;” whatever way you need to grok the concept, is simple: I am G-d, you are G-d, all that groks is G-d.
~~ Stephan Gabriel
You are spirit in truth.
However that spirit wrongly identifies itself with the gross body.
The body has been projected by the mind; the mind itself has originated from the spirit if the wrong identification ceases, then there will be Peace and permanent bless.
~~ Stephan Gabriel
Don’t try to be this,
don’t try to be that.
Just be.
Be what you already Are,
an infinite presence of consciousness,
with no limitations, who is defined only by
your own definitions (all of which are false).
~~ Stephan Gabriel